Altar Servers

Servers assist Priests in the celebration of the Liturgy by carrying the cross and processional candles, holding the book for the Priest, and assisting with the presentation of the bread, wine, and water and other duties.
What does it involve?
Servers are scheduled for occasional weekend liturgies as well as weddings, funerals, and daily Eucharist when available.
Who should participate?
Male and female parishioners grade six through high school and older. Training is required.

Contact: Deacon Don Nichols
Susan Rodzewich or 610.287.8156

Altar Linens

Volunteers help maintain a clean supply of altar linens, towels and the Priests' white lightweight albs along with miscellaneous linens.
What does it involve?
Pick up soiled Mass linens on Monday, laundering and ironing the items and returning the clean linens to the church no later than Friday of the same week. An average time commitment for each volunteer is about four hours on their assigned week. Commitment is ongoing.
Who should participate?
Any woman or man who can launder and neatly iron the linens.

Contact: Mary Kalil 610.287.8018

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Distribution of the Eucharist at Sunday and Holy Day Masses. Fully initiated Catholics approved by the pastor, with a reverence for the Eucharist, and able to commit to a rotating schedule are welcome to join this ministry.

Contact: Marlene Kelly



Sacristans prepare the Church for the Celebration of Holy Mass.  These dedicated young men and women open the church doors, put on the lights, prepare the Chalice along with the water, wine, lavabo cruet & bowl and light the Altar candles to mention of few of their responsibilities.   Sacristans make sure Mass begins with everything prepared so all may enter into the Mystery of the Liturgy with reverence and love.  

CONTACT: Peggy Hinson 484.435.0748


Ministers of God’s Word deliver the two readings before the Gospel as well as the Intercessions at weekend Masses and on other important occasions.
What does it involve?
Lectors prepare for the readings ahead of time and should arrive ten minutes prior to Mass. Lectors are typically scheduled for a Mass about once every six weeks. You can choose your Mass time and
commitment is as long as you desire.
Who should participate?
Anyone from high school age and older who has a strong voice, clear pronunciation and a desire to convey the Word of God.

CONTACT: Kim LaGuardia (215) 237-5687

Ushers and Greeters

Ministers of hospitality, also known as Ushers, assist people with special needs and direct people to seats available in the church. Their duties also include the procession of the gifts, collections, facilitating the communion procession, distributing the parish bulletins, and handling emergencies. Greeters welcome parishioners and guests to the Masses at the entrance of the church.
What does it involve?
Being present as an Usher/Greeter at one Mass each weekend as described above (understanding that there will be weeks that you are unable to do this). Ushers arrive at the church 20 minutes prior to Mass and remain after mass to assist with exiting. Availability for special events throughout the year is helpful.
Who should participate?
Parishioners who enjoy other people and have the desire to give their family, friends and neighbors a friendly smile of welcome as they enter the church.

CONTACT: Ted Poatsy 610.287.9491 (Ushers)
CONTACT: Margherita Storti 484.964.4208 (Greeters)